Qu'est-ce que 40k skaven ?

40k Skaven, also known as Warhammer 40k Skaven, refers to the incorporation of Skaven, a race from the fantasy tabletop game Warhammer, into the futuristic science fiction universe of Warhammer 40,000. Skaven are rat-like humanoid creatures characterized by their cunning, swarm-like behavior, and technological prowess.

The Skaven originated in the fantasy game Warhammer, where they are depicted as an underground race of sinister creatures that dwell beneath the cities of the other races. They are known for their treachery, backstabbing, and ability to multiply rapidly, making them a unique and challenging opponent for other factions.

In the transition to the 40k universe, which is set thousands of years in the future, the Skaven have been reimagined as part of an alien faction. They have adapted to the technological advancements of the 40k universe, incorporating advanced weaponry, machinery, and bio-enhancements into their arsenal. This fusion of their traditional fantasy elements with the high-tech world of Warhammer 40,000 creates a unique and intriguing concept for fans of both universes.

Within the 40k Skaven lore, these rat-like creatures are often depicted as a highly secretive and sinister race, operating in the shadows and manipulating events to further their own goals. They utilize advanced technology and subterfuge to wage war against other factions, seeking to expand their own power and influence within the 40k universe.

However, it is important to note that the incorporation of Skaven into the Warhammer 40,000 universe is not official or canon. It is a popular concept among fans who enjoy merging elements from different games and universes, creating their own unique narratives and armies.

Overall, 40k Skaven represents a creative crossover of the Skaven race from the fantasy game Warhammer into the science fiction world of Warhammer 40,000. It offers an exciting and imaginative fusion of fantasy and sci-fi elements, capturing the essence of the Skaven while introducing new concepts within the futuristic setting of Warhammer 40,000.